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Our team and children are our priority concern. Please be aware of the changes and updates by staying up to date via our Famly App.

We want to ensure we are minimising the impact and reducing the possibility of exposure for children, families and staff in appropriate ways within our nurseries. 

We have policies to protect against the spread of any serious disease, including infection control, and we closely monitor and follow guidance from the relevant Public Health agencies, as well as the World Health Organisation and local health authorities.

The Nursery health and hygiene practices provide some of the best defences against the spread of most contagious illnesses. In addition to these, we have introduced some key measures of how we can work together to reduce the risks of cross infection.  All of these have been advised to parents on Boards and Famly.

Ofsted, the early years’ regulator for childcare settings in England, has confirmed that they class the current situation as one which meets their threshold of “exceptions” in the Early Years Statutory Framework. This enables nurseries to adjust staff to child ratios, if necessary, to continue to provide care and education.  Any changes we need to make will be fully risk assessed and will always prioritise the quality of care, safety and security of the children.  Any updates will be provided asap on our App.

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